Will probably edit later to be more cool and stuff, but for now I need to get this out in some kind of format.
Forearm sleeve ideas:
- DnD
- Fable
- Elder Scrolls
- Dragon Age
- Dark Crystal
- Last Unicorn
- Pan's Labyrinth
- LotR
- The Dark Tower
As small references, like little nods of my favorite things. "Lusty Argonian Maid" as a book, a fairy from Pan's Labyrinth. But also just general swords, potions, ingredients, bows, hands casting spells, bones, crystals, pipes, monsters. All done as small, little single needle art. I want my arm jam packed with things, like an eye spy booklet. The creme-de-la-creme is going to be the beholder on my elbow though. MWAHAHA!
Line art to start out with and then fill in as time goes on. I just need a sleeve ASAP. I'm tired of being bald. SOON MY PRECIOUS!