Let's keep this simple shall we, we already know the site rules but here's the link** incase you might have forgotten.
More importantly, I want to reiterate some things in this sticky.
No Bullying. No Hate Speech.
Point, blank, period. Not by admins, not by mods, not by me, not by you, not by your parakeet. None. What's so ever.
This goes for people who want to enforce their idea of "righteousness" or "correctness". Please keep political and religious veiws at the door. I'm not going to stand for arguing, if you see something you don't like send a link to myself or an admin; please don't respond and try to "change their mind" or internet war or whatever you kids do these days. This is part of not feeding the trolls, don't respond to things breaking site rules just please take it to an admin so we can dispose and enforce as need be.
There is way too much internet aruging and posturing, I'm tired of it-- I'm sure others are too. Let's make this a clean place and get rid of the toxicity. Don't pick fights, don't be a dick. If myself or other admins catch you trolling you WILL be temporarily banned, if myself or other admins catch you responding in a less than polite way (AKA fighting) we'll temporarily ban you then too. Continual offenders will be eventually unable to use this aspect of the forum or even the site itself.
That is to say, lighthearted teasing is different than trolling. But intentionally replying or posting to hurt people's feelings is the point here. Being absurd is different, meme away friends.